Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Movie Day for the Creative Reading and Writing Class

Hi folks, this blog post is for UMS undergraduates taking Ms Kavitha Ganesan's Creative Reading and Writing class on Tuesday mornings, from 1100 to 1300 hours.

I have scheduled our movie day at Bilik Tayangan 2, for this Sunday, the 7th of September, from 0900 to 1200 hours. However, it seems the folks responsible for approving of my application are experiencing some difficulties in approving our request for the room.

A definite answer will be given by the end of today.

On another note, Ms Kavitha will give me a few choices of movies to choose from when I have confirmed our booking. Since we are not likely to hold one big meeting on which movies to choose for viewing, I recommend you post your suggestions or comments on this blog, specifically, on the blog post where I will list down the movies available.


Anonymous said...

just pick any muvie but make sure its not a war muvie and we can make ending for that story....

Anonymous said...

how bout korean movie.. it is easy to make the ending .. hehe.. whether someone dies or they live happily ever after.. =)